2024 3rd International Conference on Geographic Information and Remote Sensing Technology (GIRST 2024)

Organizing Committee


Organizing Program Committee Chair


Prof. Gaetano Giunta

University of ROMA TRE, Rome, Italy

IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (Chapter Member)


Gaetano Giunta received the Dr.Eng. degree in electronic engineering from the University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, in 1985, and the Ph.D. degree in information and communication engineering from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy, in 1990. He currently teaches “Digital Signal Processing for Telecommunications” in the Master course of Communication and Information Engineering, “Signal Processing for Biomedical Engineering” in the Master course of Biomedical Engineering, and “Wireless Telecommunications” in the Master course of Computer Engineering of the University of Roma Tre. His internet site for Signal Processing Education was formerly cited in the IEEE Signal Processing Internet Base.

Prof. Giunta has been a Member of the IEEE Signal Processing, Communications, and Vehicular Technology Societies since 1988, and a Senior Member of IEEE since 2011. Since 1993, he has served as a reviewer for several international journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Signal Processing, IET (IEE Proceedings) -Vision, Image, and Signal Processing, IET (IEE Proceedings) -Radar, Sonar and Navigation. Prof. Giunta has been the local representative member of the Italian Inter-Universities Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT).


Organizing Program Committee Member

· Prof. Pierangelo Di Sanzo, University of ROMA TRE, Rome, Italy

· Prof. Mario Porru, University of Cagliari, Italy (IEEE VT Chapter Member)

· Prof. Fabrizio Granelli, University of Trento, Italy (IEEE VT Chapter Member)

· Prof. Franco Mazzenga, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

· Asst. Prof. Dott. MAURIZIO PIZZONIA, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma, Italy

· Dr. Tesfaye Tessema, The Faringdon Research Centre for Non-Destructive Testing and Remote Sensing, UK